post my accident, the experience of rebuilding my lost confidence seemed quite rewarding...the driving lessons and practice sessions through the long green tracks of Alwal on a Saturday evening led us to the vast, horizon spreading, pristine lake of Shamirpet.....when we reached the evening sun was about to take plunge into the depth of its water.....various shades of rainbow colours emanating from the drowning sun painted the entire canvas of the sky in its own tint....in accordance to the sky, sheets of water absorbed the colours like a mirror as its own image got reflected and refracted through the transparency of the water....
the rocky terrain; physical geography which surrounded it, and probably the formation of the lake seemed quite enchanting...i am no geologist, so if i am to describe in simple words to what a layman's mind could construe, it seemed to me as if chunks of rocks in the stony heart of the deccan plateau got depressed; scraped/scooped out to form a hollow for water to accumulate, hence imparting form and shape to the current evening getaway and a lover's paradise of my city.....the banks of the lake constituted of huge masses of rock gradually sloping downwards to meet the water....
time seemed to stall as we sat on the shores of the lake....at the air water interface, a gentle breeze caressed and teased the water surface, leading to the formation of mini waves, traversing from the centre of the pool to the outward margins only to break itself apart in to millions of water globules ....the waves breaking on the shores in a continuous, predictable rhythm seemed like a hymn sung by nature, as if to put the humanity to sleep in its soothing lullaby.....at the middle of the lake little islands made of rocks of different form and shape , projected their head up above the water, probably to help a piscivorous kingfisher or a cormorant catch its prey for lunch....
the only sound waves our ears captured were the shhhhh....of the wind blowing between the strands of our hair, an occasional screech of a parakeet, and the sound of water hitting the stony banks of the lake...i had the desire of walking around the lake along its circumference in a 360 degree turn...the shells of dead molluscs, green grass, rocky protrusions, half eaten fish discarded by herons lay strewn on the banks.....
the lake was bigger as compared to my imagination or eye estimation...and a complete circumnavigation would have taken hours together....the setting sun invited darkness and there was no way we could ignore or reverse it....turning homewards was the only option..
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