Thursday, January 24, 2008
happy anniversary guys
through out my life i had been too paranoid regarding exams......and the night before exam was a big panic for me........but here, i used to watch movies the night before the second term, the night before finance exam me and funty watched "partner" in her room....and all girls thought we had gone crazy or our preparation was too good.....and Funty was one degree ahead of me in doing innovative things the night before exams....and one of them being going to hospital before MIT exam
at one point of my life, i wanted to be an actress/air hostess or model ..........and that dream was also somewhat fulfilled here.....along with akash, mahaveer and other students, i also happened to be one of the models for our college ......the photographers detained me till late night taking the same pic in 100 was then i realized that modelling is no cakewalk............the photographers were continuously telling me to get an "attitude" in my face, which by mistake i had got in one of the pics........and also my name could be googled out....that was because i wrote a nice testimonial which was displayed in the home page........
then comes our freshers welcome party.........i danced like that after a long time...i remember i used to dance in my school days....but it had a full stop after 10th only.....our dance was choreographed by kashyap (whom i call kashyappapa) and monica.....and our dance was a hit indeed....the dancers were myself, nike, minaxi, ujwala and was too excited to dance on stage (that was the first time for him) and that really boosted my confidence before the performance............the party was held in a premium residential complex of bangalore called "palm meadows"............and it was the first time in my life that i went to a locality as posh as this one and also it was the first time that i partied till 2 at night(outside hostel, off course)
now let me come to my language the first week of BMA i learnt to say "i love u " in 7 different languages (all regional)...especially i got interested in tamil...the language, the songs, the heroes, and subbu ........also ravi sir had huge contribution in honing my tamil was him who translated the meaning of the popular song "manmadrasa"......
i picked up an iritating habit of composing songs on people based on their USPs.....awesome songs were composed on subbu and his veshti, aunty on her habits, mahaveer on his tight pants, santhosh on his naps in lecture, karan on his looks, nike fo being a bookworm, me for being piscivorous, dada on his explanations, dillu for dheeru, bachha for alekhika and photography, tariq on his absenteeism, sid for breaking glass, robert on his paunch, ajith for his style, paul for lying, monica on her bike and apurv on his sutta, so on and so forth.....
now that the tenure in BMA is almost over, i hope that our next stoppage in life be as exciting as this one and be filled with learning opportunities....and we all have a great career ahead...good luck to me and all my friends
Saturday, January 19, 2008
hello friends

this is the first time i am blogging....getting inspiration from a very good friend of mine called nikhilesh.. nike and me have certain things in common...and one of them is reading storybooks (Though nike is more voracious as compared to me when it comes to reading and opposite when it comes to eating) and writing i got to know about it when he requested me to read his story, which he posted in his blog id however, that was not much effective in motivating me to start blogging....but i finally decided to roll my sleeves on and start blogging when nikhilesh cleared his first interview and got into epiance as an intern.... nike was called upon second time for an inteview by the HR of Epiance and was asked about his blogging habit (soon after which we came to know that nike was the first person to be selected among 10 of us, beating people with IT background)...and immediately i decided to follow him (with a hope that blogging might be helpful for me to get a job in my dream company ;) )....i had seen his resume earlier where he had mentioned in his extra curricular activities "has been a regular blogger for the past 3 years"..may be i ll put in my CV "has been a regular blogger for the past 3 days"
poor jokes apart, what i want to say is that while some people might say that blogging is addictive and basically useless and time pass stuff........but u never know, it might give u a competitive bolo jai jai blogging
my life hostel
change is the most permanent thing on earth
...well, this is too much of emotional atyachar on me now... my nerves are taxed...i have a lot of story like this to share...but i am no Vyas, and dont wanna write Mahabharat Part 2...BTW, does this blog story remind you of the movie" life in a metro'? it does to me... i am sorry for ending the post abruptly, coz i dont want the thoughts to run, flood, clog and suffocate me...i need to stop.... i ll revisit the article some time later probably...
yo foodie
memories of a night: 28th November, Bangalore, 1.30 am
Enough of rasam and sambar...please give me something else....but who is going to listen to my cries at this hour?? my roomies are all fast asleep only to wake up in an hour or two to prepare for the presentation tomorrow. My share of work is done, but I cant sleep....numerous rats, mongoose, mouse and other rodents disco dancing in my stomach... they might be dancing to the beats of ...Aao twist kare...twist kare milke ....Can anyone tell me how did the concept of rats running in the stomach got related to hunger?? As per my understanding, it can be better related to a vacuum pump sucking up all the contents in your stomach...however, over the years, listening to the concept of rats dancing and repeating it several times , I dont mind visualizing them having a party in my stomach........But what are they eating during the party??? the digestive juices?? yuck....
What nonsense.... how does it matter whether rats or zebras are dancing.... the bottom line is I am hungry....poor me....a year back I had been a happy person happily gorging on some nice yummy bengali of now I suppose i cant do much but think how the "mochar ghonto" used to taste....for all non bengalis who are reading my blog (in case any), lemme clarify what a mocha is. Dont think it is one fancy drink like a cafe mocha they serve in CCD, but this is a flower of banana plant and the tender reproductive parts of it is cooked with coconut and nuts...well talking about banana reminds me of for more dishes.....shinni....thats a kind of prasad made with mashed banana, mashed mango pulp, little suji, some kheer, sugar and milk...yummy... all time favourite maacher many different varieties of fish ....rui, katla, ilish, bhetki, bhola, tangra, kajoli, gujrali, pabda, bowal, bele, koi...umm..slurrp.... too distracking now... point dwelling in the past at this hor...thought of food is making me more hungry...i need to address it NOW... i have a packet of maggie and my electric kettle...any ones interested?